#Mickey mouse castle of illusion ps3 plus
In addition to Castle of Illusion, Plus members can purchase a number of titles at a discount including LEGO Marvel Super Heroes and Ethan: Meteor Hunter, and as a nice bonus you can download the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles OOTS avatar pack for free.

This bundle will only be available until 4/28 so be sure to download it before then! Castle of Illusion Starring Mickey Mouse (PS3) Free for PS Plus members Mickey Mouse returns to star in Castle of Illusion, a fantastical re-imagining of the Sega Genesis classic. Castle of Illusion was very well received by critics, especially the original 16-bit version. As an added bonus, if you download this during the first two weeks it’s available in PS Plus you’ll receive the Castle of Illusion Sega Genesis Bundle, which adds the original Sega Genesis version of Castle of Illusion (1990) and a Mizrabel (that’s the evil witch that kidnapped Minnie btw) dynamic theme for free. Although the graphics and gameplay are different, the storyline here is the same – dear old Minnie has been kidnapped by an evil witch and its up to you to save her. The game follows the story of Mickey Mouse as he goes on a daring quest to save his girl Minnie Mouse from the evil witch named Mizrabel who stole Minnie Mouse’s beauty. If you recognize the name Castle of Illusion from back in the day, you should know that this remake doesn’t just offer upgraded graphics, but also periodic restructuring of the classic 2D side-scrolling platforming gameplay into a 3D space. Castle of Illusion starring Mickey Mouse is a popular classic platformer video game that was released for the Sega Genesis/ Mega Drive back in 1990.